Last year we made a big production out of Halloween with costumes, scary music and themed food to boot. We had a blast but it was A LOT of work. When my friend Britt and I decide to do something we DO IT. lol. Unfortunately this year we just didn't have the energy to pull it off again so we're laying low. Scary movie marathon anyone? Regardless of what you're doing tonight I hope you're having a good time! Happy Halloween!

Sweet Love: Slideshow
Friday, October 22, 2010
I put this slideshow together to play at the Bedford Bridal Show tomorrow. If anyone will be in the area stop and see me! Some of these photos have been showcased on the blog already, but things look a little different when put to music. I hope you enjoy it! This year has been amazing so far and I just want to thank all the wonderful couples that chose me to be their wedding photographer, I definitely wouldn't be here without you!!
Sweet Colorado: RMNP
Back in September my mom and I boarded a plane to go visit my sister in Colorado for a few days. The key phrase in that last sentence being "boarded a plane". I don't know why but I feel like the older I get the more terrified of flying I become. When I was little I use to love to fly- but now I'm wondering if that had more to do with Disneyworld being the final destination & I just blocked out the rest of it. Needless to say I get the nervous stomach ache the day before my flight comes and I worry about it until takeoff. Then my palms start to sweat and my knuckles turn white from gripping my jeans too tight at every little shutter of the airplane. Anyway, we made it in one piece BUT not before 3 delays, a change in airline, being rerouted from a direct flight to a layover in ATL and finally arriving in DEN. Does anyone really wonder why people hate airlines? But then- I get to where I'm going and I end up being so glad that I sucked it up and dealt with it. We had a great time in Colorado and maybe I'll do it again next year. lol.
OH, but I will say that the best thing (or only good thing) about waking up at 4am is the sunrise. Especially when they look like this:
I don't know if I was just uber-inspired on this trip or if Colorado is just so gorgeous that everything you take a picture of takes your breath away. Maybe a bit of both? I have SOOOO many pictures that I will have to break this into multiple posts. Those of you that know me will also know that I love taking pictures of food. So yes chances are I will have a post devoted entirely to the food we ate in Colorado. Those of you that may be bored to death by that can skip right over that post though, I won't be upset. Well- maybe a little. lol. Ok so enough rambling and onto the pictures. This post is completely devoted to the scenery of Rocky Mountain National Park in Estes, CO. Phenomenal.
Taken through a dirty windshield, so excuse the smudges- still love it though.
Time Lapse Photography.
In case no one's picked up on it yet, I have an infatuation with trees.
I'd be interested in knowing what that means if anyone knows!
I'll leave you on a funny note. An elk that thinks he's a dog.
P.S. This wasn't taken with a zoom lens, I really was that close.
Sweet Miracle: Baby Bump
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
This mommy-to-be was so easygoing and friendly I felt more like I was hanging out with an old friend than taking maternity photos for an almost stranger. These photos were taken a few months ago and I can't wait to meet the little sweet pea, as mommy's due date is RIGHT around the corner!
Important Note: Normally I would put my watermark on these images but since I'm so behind and in an effort to save time and get these babies up, I'm skipping that step. So please be good and don't use these photos without my permission. All images copyright of Sweet Digital Photography. Thanks & Enjoy :)
A pre-update update.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Well. Apparently it's been a month since my last posting. Since the last time I posted I shot another wedding, an engagement shoot, a maternity shoot, began planning 2 photography projects, and took a trip to Colorado. Needless to say I have TONS of images to share, but obviously not enough time in the day to post on a regular basis.
Since I don't have any shoots scheduled this weekend I'm hoping to get some more eye candy up and get back on track. In the meantime here's a quick glimpse for you!! Thanks for sticking around!
Mid-Week Update
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sorry it's been so quiet around here lately! I am in the midst of editing a beautiful wedding that took place in Albany on August 7th, and let me tell you I have some FANTASTIC photos to share. Until then head over to my facebook fan page to see the latest images from that wedding!
Also, be on the lookout for some gorgeous photos of a proud mommy-to-be that I worked with recently.
Wild West: Hudson Valley style
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Wow, time really does fly when you're having fun. I have so much to update here on the blog that I figured the best place to start would be at the beginning. Back in July while I was driving home, I passed by some fields and the local farm and I got an idea for a photo shoot. I called up one of my gorgeous girlfriends and a western styled photo shoot was born. We had a great time driving around and finding locations. The following pictures were the result of 4 hours of driving between Rhinebeck to Hudson & back again. OH, and let's not forget a few iced lattes :) I'm planning an urban styled photo shoot within the next 2 weeks, so look for that on the blog in the near future too!
To view more photos from this FANTASTIC shoot, head over to my Facebook fan page!
Fix It Friday #64: Photo Editing Fun
Friday, July 30, 2010
It's that time once again over at I Heart Faces. This picture didn't really need much but I added a little punch to it. This little girls eyes are so dreamy and I think her freckles are adorable, so I tried not to take away from that. The original:
I just sharpened the photo using "unsharp mask", lightened up the overall color using the levels sliders, and upped the saturation a tad. I also got rid of a few little red splotches on her face, and cropped in a tad closer. Love it!
I just sharpened the photo using "unsharp mask", lightened up the overall color using the levels sliders, and upped the saturation a tad. I also got rid of a few little red splotches on her face, and cropped in a tad closer. Love it!
Check out the rest of the talented bunch over at I Heart Faces!
Pretty in Pink: Riley
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
This little girl is so precious I just want to eat her up! It was so hot on Saturday but we braved the elements underneath a shade tree at one of my favorite places and got some great shots for mommy! Grandma was there to help mommy keep Riley entertained and it couldn't have worked out more beautifully. I am in love with every picture I go through and I know they are going to be thrilled with the results from their little ones first photo shoot. I will be sharing more next week, but until then:
Photo Challenge: "Over My Head"
I've mentioned I Heart Faces on my blog before, but to refresh your memory its a fun photography blog that holds weekly contests and challenges for photographers & photo enthusiasts alike. This week the topic of the photo contest is "Over My Head". Some of the photos that have been submitted are absolutely amazing and I can't wait to see who they pick as the winner (which is definitely not going to be an easy task!). I've decided to enter a photo that I actually haven't shared before. This photo is from my engagement shoot with Malinda & Adam. These two were so much fun to work with and their piggyback shots are my favorite from the session. The sky was so great that day; perfectly puffy, fluffy clouds and an awesome sun flare! Yessss.. I love this shot :) Head on over to I Heart Faces to see the rest of the entries!
Senior Portraits: Vanderbilt Estate
Monday, July 12, 2010
I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Olivia this past Sunday and she was so sweet and laid back that our session just flew by. The clouds looked like they may have had something in store for us, but luckily the rain stayed away. I would also like to thank mom; Eileen, for acting as my reflector holder/assistant, I really appreciate your help! You two were a pleasure to work with and I hope to get the chance to work with your family again in the future!
Olivia has the most gorgeous green eyes and I absolutely love how they popped with her adorable rosette top.
This little guy caught our attention during our shoot and I just couldn't resist :)
Sweet Summer: Myrtle Beach
Friday, July 9, 2010
So a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to head down to Myrtle Beach with my husband's family for a few days, and I am so glad we went! My husband and I had a fantastic time, and can't wait to plan another trip back! Here are a few of my favorite photos from our vacation. Enjoy!
Doesn't this picture just want to make you jump in? The water was amazing!
my adorable niece, wave jumping! lol.
My husband and I LOVE aquariums!!
I think this is my favorite picture out of the whole trip :)
Only THE craziest looking shark I've ever seen! Yep, he was alive.
What's your favorite stop at the aquarium? The sea turtles? or maybe the sharks?
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