Mid-Week Update

Sorry it's been so quiet around here lately! I am in the midst of editing a beautiful wedding that took place in Albany on August 7th, and let me tell you I have some FANTASTIC photos to share. Until then head over to my facebook fan page to see the latest images from that wedding!

Also, be on the lookout for some gorgeous photos of a proud mommy-to-be that I worked with recently. 


Wild West: Hudson Valley style

Wow, time really does fly when you're having fun. I have so much to update here on the blog that I figured the best place to start would be at the beginning. Back in July while I was driving home,  I passed by some fields and the local farm and I got an idea for a photo shoot. I called up one of my gorgeous girlfriends and a western styled photo shoot was born. We had a great time driving around and finding locations. The following pictures were the result of 4 hours of driving between Rhinebeck to Hudson & back again. OH, and let's not forget a few iced lattes :) I'm planning an urban styled photo shoot within the next 2 weeks, so look for that on the blog in the near future too!

To view more photos from this FANTASTIC shoot, head over to my Facebook fan page!