Sweet Colorado: RMNP

Back in September my mom and I boarded a plane to go visit my sister in Colorado for a few days. The key phrase in that last sentence being "boarded a plane". I don't know why but I feel like the older I get the more terrified of flying I become. When I was little I use to love to fly- but now I'm wondering if that had more to do with Disneyworld being the final destination & I just blocked out the rest of it. Needless to say I get the nervous stomach ache the day before my flight comes and I worry about it until takeoff. Then my palms start to sweat and my knuckles turn white from gripping my jeans too tight at every little shutter of the airplane. Anyway, we made it in one piece BUT not before 3 delays, a change in airline, being rerouted from a direct flight to a layover in ATL and finally arriving in DEN. Does anyone really wonder why people hate airlines? But then- I get to where I'm going and I end up being so glad that I sucked it up and dealt with it. We had a great time in Colorado and maybe I'll do it again next year. lol. 

OH, but I will say that the best thing (or only good thing) about waking up at 4am is the sunrise. Especially when they look like this:

I don't know if I was just uber-inspired on this trip or if Colorado is just so gorgeous that everything you take a picture of takes your breath away. Maybe a bit of both? I have SOOOO many pictures that I will have to break this into multiple posts. Those of you that know me will also know that I love taking pictures of food. So yes chances are I will have a post devoted entirely to the food we ate in Colorado. Those of you that may be bored to death by that can skip right over that post though, I won't be upset. Well- maybe a little. lol. Ok so enough rambling and onto the pictures. This post is completely devoted to the scenery of Rocky Mountain National Park in Estes, CO. Phenomenal.

 Taken through a dirty windshield, so excuse the smudges- still love it though.

 Time Lapse Photography.

 In case no one's picked up on it yet, I have an infatuation with trees. 
I'd be interested in knowing what that means if anyone knows!

I'll leave you on a funny note. An elk that thinks he's a dog. 
P.S. This wasn't taken with a zoom lens, I really was that close. 


Unknown said...

the pictures came out amazing, per usual =) wouldn't expect anything less from my extremely talented sister. you still have to send some wedding pictures & colorado pictures my way! as you said, i need to update my photos from 4 years ago to the now. i love you!

Unknown said...

p.s. the infatuation with trees must run in the family. i have ideas for a whole series on trees, but just don't have the talent to back it up.

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